Nike has been one of the most creative labels when it comes to designing and giving subtle shout outs to beloved characters. Although May 4 has already passed a long ago, the Swoosh label is continuing the celebration with the launch of Dunk Low "Stormtrooper."
The Swoosh label has continued to give their iconic Dunk sneaker model several makeovers throughout 2023 and the latest gives a reminiscence of the Star Wars' beloved soldiers, Stormtroopers. The pair comes clad in a classic Black and White color scheme, which are perfect for minimalistic sneakerheads as well as Star Wars' fans heading to the comic con.
The pair is inspired by the outfit of the inaccurate foot soldiers from the Star Wars, aka Galactic Empire. An official release date for the Dunk Low "Stormtrooper" hasn't been announced by the Swoosh label yet, however, according to the media outlet Cop o'Clock, the pair will be released via the official e-commerce site of Nike, the SNKRS app, and select retailers on July 12, 2023.
The upcoming Nike Dunk Low "Stormtrooper" sneakers will be clad in black and white hues
The Swoosh label's veteran Peter Moore designed the Dunk sneaker model in 1985 as a part of the basketball shoe lineup. The silhouette has been one of the most beloved choices for the sneaker enthusiasts for almost four decades.
Even though the shoe was debuted for hardwood courts, over time, it was adapted into other iterations by skateboarding and lifestyle teams. The chameleon nature of the Dunk sneaker model was used to reiterate it in SB, EMB, Remastered, and other models.
The shoe was also became popular amongst collegiate crowds, due to the iconic "back to school" colorways. The official Swoosh label's site introduces the sneaker model as follows:
"Created for the hardwood but taken to the streets, the '80s b-ball icon returns with perfectly shined overlays. With its iconic hoops design, the Nike Dunk Low channels '80s vintage back onto the street, while its padded, low-cut collar lets you take your game anywhere - in comfort."For the latest makeover, the Dunk sneaker model is "Black White" which reminds of the Stormtrooper navy. Although the model hasn't reported any official affiliations ot the character or film, the immediate connection comes to the mind.
The upper of the shoe comes constructed out of full leather material. The base of the shoe is clad in a white hue, which can be seen accentuated upon the toe boxes, forefoot overlays, mid panels, lacing system, ankle collars, and the heels. The monochromatic white hue is disturbed with the black-hued accents.
The black hue is added upon the plain cotton laces and "Nike" branding upon the tongues, insoles, and heels. More of black is added upon the profile swooshes placed upon both medial and lateral sides. The look is finished off with the addition of the white rubber sole unit in the south.
The pair is slated to be released via the official e-commerce site of Nike, the SNKRS app, and select retailers on July 12, 2023, at a retail price of $110.
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