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Tori Amos says Lady Gaga is going to burn out and fade away soon

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Tori Amos has had a long and massively successful nearly twenty year career. When asked by The Sun what she thought of current pop stars, she gave the an earful – at least that’s how they’re trying to spin it. They’re making it sound like Tori went off on Lady Gaga, when she essentially just said what most people have said about pop stars for a long time: she’s a novelty act and it’ll pass.

TORI AMOS fears LADY GAGA has a limited shelf life, hinting fans will soon tire of the quirky New Yorker’s novelty pop act.

The Cornflake Girl songstress – who’s been selling out venues since 1991 – struggles to visualise GaGa playing on the same bill as veteran rocker NEIL YOUNG two decades from now.

However, she admits the Poker Face singer’s unique brand of “entertaining” performance art is a welcome antidote to the global economic crisis.

She told The Sun: “She’s what I call a meteor – singers who entertain people for a while. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that.

“But then there are people like Neil Young who show up at Glastonbury 40 years into their career. And that’s a very different kind of artist.

“Neil Young doesn’t have to get his bum out on stage!

“The question is, will Lady GaGa be playing alongside Neil Young at Glastonbury in 20 years time?

“She wants to entertain people. Right now, half the world is depressed and they need to be entertained. So her timing’s perfect.”

[From the Sun]

Tori’s spot on. Sure, there are a few who manage to go on forever: Madonna being the classic example. But think of all the bubblegum pop of the late nineties. Besides Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, who else is still performing? 90 Degrees? Um, the Backstreet Boys? Wasn’t there one even worse than them? Oh! LFO! Yeah, not so much. People always say Madonna stays relevant because she’s always changing it up. While that’s true, she’s not changing it up twice a day. Lady Gaga is overdoing it. And she’s not talentless, but she’s certainly not epic either. Madonna was changing her image every few years. Lady Gaga in a sense is stagnate, because her image is “the singer who’s constantly changing her look and doing wacky things.” And she hasn’t changed that at all.

Speaking of wacky outfits, here’s Tori Amos performing at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles on July 17th. Images thanks to .
