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Easy Jennifer Lawrence Halloween Costumes That Span Her Whole Career

Jennifer Lawrence has recently proven that she is the feminist hero we all know she is by penning an essay on assertiveness, being a nice girl, and equal pay on Lenny. Honor her many feminist roles by dressing up as a Jennifer Lawrence character for Halloween. Whether you want to go totally sci-fi or more elegant this Oct. 31, a J. Law costume is totally in reach.

A lot of Lawrence's roles are of a similar mold; she typically plays tough, loud characters who are thrust into leadership roles. In some ways, this makes sense when you combine it with her Lenny essay. A female celebrity known for being nice and easygoing, she often plays characters who are pushy in a masculine world, who, to a certain extent, break down gender barriers. Perhaps this is a form of wish fulfillment, a way for her to express her emotions in a culture that condemns actresses as high maintenance divas for demanding what they want.

This Halloween, you could even make a theme out of Jennifer Lawrence roles, going out each night of the weekend as a different one of her badass female roles. Here are the cheap, easy-to-find ingredients to Jennifer Lawrence's most famous characters.

Katniss Everdeen

JLaw's most iconic role is really easy to get across. All you need is a leather jacket....

Some dark pants...

Some combat boots...

A bow and arrow...

And, to top it all off, a mockingjay pin.

You probably already have the ingredients of a Katniss Evergreen costume. Find some neutral pants, add a leather or military-looking wrap jacket, and throw on some combat boots. Now, all you need is to braid your hair, pin on your mockingjay pin, and sling a bow and quiver over your shoulders, and you'll be instantly recognizable as Katniss Everdeen.

(Lionsgate; Pants, $19.99 H&M; Leather Jacket, $32 Target; Bow and Quiver, $9.99 Party City; Boots, $27.90 Forever 21; Mockingjay Pin, $7.99 Amazon)


Going for J. Law's most out there look is easy. All you need is a blue jumpsuit...

Some blue body paint...

And red hair dye.

If you want to dress as Mystique from X-Men, you can either stay true to character and paint your whole naked body blue, or stay warm and comfortable in a bright blue body suit, adding the paint only to your face and hands, and spraying your hair red.

(Marvel; Tomsuit Catsuit, $34.99 Amazon; Red Hair Spray, $5.79 Target; Blue Body Paint, $5.19 Amazon)

Rosalyn Rosenfeld

Go glamorous with a slinky white dress...

Some big costume jewelry...

A fur coat if you get cold!

For beauty, some red nails...

And bright red lipstick.

Dressing as Lawrence's American Hustle character is easy. All you need to do is find a slinky white dress, add some outrageous costume jewelry, fake nails, and lipstick, and, if you get cold, throw on an over-the-top fake fur coat. Pile your hair on top of your head and add lots of volume.

(Columbia; Dress, Asos £13.95; Earrings, $12.50 Claire's; Fur Coat, $26.59 Etosell Amazon; Nails, $8.99 Amazon; Lipstick, 5.67 Amazon)

Ree Dolly

You'll just need a cozy flannel...

An olive jacket...

And a beanie!

Recreate J. Law's breakout role in Winter's Bone with this rougher look that actually requires you not to wear makeup or brush your hair. Just wear a flannel, olive coat, and a knit beanie, and you are all set and ready for cold weather.

(Roadside Attractions; Flannel, $24.99 H&M; Coat, $39.99 Soho Girl; Beanie, $15.95 American Eagle)


Channeling Tiffany requires a black v-neck or cardigan...

A cross necklace...

And dark eyeliner.

Jennifer Lawrence's look from Silver Linings Playbook is perhaps the easiest to attain. Just pile your hair into a messy updo, line your eyes, and wear a dark cardigan or v-neck with a cross necklace.

(The Weinstein Company; Cardigan, $12.99 H&M; Eyeliner, $6.99 CVS; Cross necklace, $11.99 Smith Brothers)

See, you already have most of the supplies to go as any Jennifer Lawrence character, getting you that much closer to your feminist hero.

Image: Columbia Pictures

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