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"Still getting used to it"

Tennis great Chris Evert is getting compliments from fans on her new pixie cut look.

Evert recently met with Ajla Tomljanovic, whom she has mentored for many years. The pair evidently had a great time together, even as the Australian recovers from a knee injury, and they chose to share the moment with the fans.

Evert took to Twitter to post the photo of them together. She showered Tomljanovic with praise, writing:

"Gotta love this young lady… pure class…⁦@Ajlatom."

Later, Tomljanovic also posted the picture on Twitter and wrote:

"17 years later…..LOVE YOU @ChrissieEvert," adding a heart emoticon.

Following that, a fan complimented Chris Evert on the new pixie cut she was seen with in the picture. The fan also commented that the American legend looked "young" in her new look.

"Ajlatom is the real deal. I'm going to spout off a compliment to you as well. The hair! I LOVE the color (especially w/ the brows!). I have never seen a pixie look so great. It's feminine (if that's okay to say in '23), soft, and makes you look so YOUNG. This new chapter delivers!"

The 18-time Grand Slam winner subsequently thanked the fan and remarked that she was "still getting used to it."

"Oh! Thank you, Julie! I’m still getting used to it!!!" Chris Evert replied.

"She'd always be the one that will give all the encouragement" - Ajla Tomljanovic once spoke about the role Chris Evert plays in her life

Ajla Tomljanovic pictured at the 2023 Australian Open

Ajla Tomljanovic recently earned the distinction of being the legendary Serena Williams' final opponent. She disclosed in an interview back in 2022 that Chris Evert played an important role in her life and career.

The Australian said that Evert constantly encourages her, which she loves.

"She's funny because she will text me, she always texts me before my first round, like, 'Good luck, you got this', and then the more I start winning, she will always text me in my day off and be like, 'Hey, get your head in the game, you're not finished here,'" Tomljanovic said. "So she'd always be the one that will give all the encouragement but always keep me hungry for more and remind me like 'You're not done here'. It's almost like, 'I hope you enjoyed yesterday but today, you're thinking about tomorrow'. And I always love that because she's right."

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